Most of The New Up‘s concerts are in dark venues where the only bright lights are the band’s lightshow. Don’t get us wrong, that’s pretty damn cool to look at, but seeing The New Up in the daytime at a fest, on a big stage like Shoreline Amphitheater for BFD is a treat for fans of the band, and those that didn’t know they would become fans of the band before their set on Saturday. They enjoyed an extremely warm reception from music fans from all across the Bay Area who had come to see their fave bands, and to stumble on new bands that were handpicked to catch their ears.
For many of those artists that are so big it’s impossible to see them close-up, the appeal is in seeing them in a smaller, more intimate venue. But for a band like The New Up, who predominantly plays mid-sized clubs there is an allure to seeing how they fit on a bigger stage, a tantalizing preview of what they may one day be. In the end, it’s a good reminder to get out and see The New Up in a mid-sized club while you can because, who knows… they could take off at any moment and you’ll be able to see you were there for one of their last small shows. Stay tuned to our shows page to keep up with tour dates.