Man, lately I’ve really been feeling pressure from people in the music industry to dumb myself and my music down into something easy for people to swallow. Some singular, one or two-dimensional image that potential fans can compare with someone else who has already been “famous”, so they can quickly and easily “get” me.
What I’ve realized more than anything is that I can only be my authentic, true self.
And who is that true self?
Well, it’s always a work in progress, so let me just make that disclaimer right off the bat.
But the truth is, I’m so many opposing things that aren’t found often residing within the same person.
I’m messy, I’m all over the place with my interests, I’m nerdy and angry and sensitive and introspective and I love to geek out, all at the same time.
I play tennis and golf, and I like figuring out problems. I rock out and I dance to electronic music all night. I’m a feminist and I enjoy watching football (although I must admit that I’m not a huge fan of the national football organization itself).
What I’m getting at here is that no, I won’t boil myself down to a few primary interests to appeal to those who are not interested in finding something new and different.
For goodness sake, that’s why you’re here.
So if you like the gray areas and thinking for yourself, not being afraid to be two things at once that haven’t traditionally gone together in the public sphere; if you refuse to subscribe to an “ideology” because you believe that one should always figure out the balance, then please:
Join me.
The music we are making on this new album, and that we made on our last album ‘Tiny Mirrors’, is all about this.
Don’t let anyone tell you you have to be, act, or look (or sound) a certain way to connect with your people.
Let’s all take a deep breath and renew our drive to be okay just being who we are, without feeling like we always have to please someone else.
Of course, do it with kindness and respect for others, but for the love of Ganesh, let’s do it!
And let’s do it together.
That’s the only way the world is going to move into the direction we need it to go to thrive as a species.
We need thinkers. Be-ers. See-ers. Sages. We need an army of them.
We need you. Just to be you.
So much love to you, and I can’t wait to hear what your thoughts.
With much gratitude,
PS: There’s always lots going on! Here are 3 ways you can stay involved everything new happening with The New Up
♦️ Get The Keys To Our Studio Door: come and explore our studio virtually and find out how the music gets made. Click here to get the keys
♦️ Stay up to date on all the latest events by checking out our Instagram.
♦️ Treat yourself in our online store. Go grab the goodies you deserve!
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